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At least if you want to have a sensible intelligent conversations with your date.
At least if you want to have a sensible intelligent conversations with your date.

"Both feet on the ground" is of course a metaphor. So what is this metaphor about? If you google it, it tells you stuff like "understanding society, being active, being grounded, not being a coach potato and a hundred other definitions. Which are all stupid. And wrong.
"Both feet on the ground" is of course a metaphor. So what is this metaphor about? If you google it, it tells you stuff like "understanding society", "being active", "being grounded", "not being a coach potato" and a hundred other definitions. Which are all stupid. And wrong.

If you explicitly use a metaphor with two legs then there should be two things you have completely and secure. Which might that be? I am neither a philosopher nor a super knowledgeable person, so I think simple thoughts.
If you explicitly use a metaphor with two legs then there should be two things you have completely and secure. Which might that be? I am neither a philosopher nor a super knowledgeable person, so I think simple thoughts.

Revision as of 12:16, 2 September 2024

What are you looking for?

When you check a profile of some woman and the ONLY text they have is something like "don't ask me what I am looking for, I am SOOOO tired being asked that question" and then you look at the profile for that info and there is no info about what she is looking for? No "looking for long term relationship", no text about "just wanting to fuck", nothing.

Then you know: She just wants to face-fuck. Meaning: If you have a face she likes, she wants to fuck you. Once. She does not want a short term relationship, she does not want a long term relationship, she is not looking for a friend, she just wants to fuck you once.

So if you are looking for a slut, congratulations, you found one!

Both feet on the ground

If you read the requirement to have both feet on the ground (German: "mit beiden Füßen im Leben stehen") then you should avoid her. At least if you want to have a sensible intelligent conversations with your date.

"Both feet on the ground" is of course a metaphor. So what is this metaphor about? If you google it, it tells you stuff like "understanding society", "being active", "being grounded", "not being a coach potato" and a hundred other definitions. Which are all stupid. And wrong.

If you explicitly use a metaphor with two legs then there should be two things you have completely and secure. Which might that be? I am neither a philosopher nor a super knowledgeable person, so I think simple thoughts.

These two things HAVE to be your personal life and your business life. So you are expected to have a reliable fixed relationship with a partner and you are expected to have a good income from your job, perhaps a long term employment or something like that.

That is the ONLY definition of "both feet on the ground" that makes sense. In my opinion. I highly value my opinion! ;-)

So, are woman is telling you, if you want a relationship of any kind with her, then you have to have a permanent partner and a good permanent income.

Why would she ask for something like that? There is only one reason for such a combination to be wanted: She wants to blackmail you.

If you have no partner, you can't be blackmailed and if you have no money there is no reason to blackmail you.

This, is of course totally stupid. So, the woman who ask for someone to "have both feet on the ground" don't want to blackmail you. I hope. They are just too stupid to even think about the words they write down. Avoid them. Only if you want a stupid person for a date or are looking for someone you can hoodwink easily, then you found a good mark.