
From Funiaita


There are two things you need for racism:

1. You define a group
2. You say something bad about the whole group

Of course, the definition of racism is not that easy. It is a complicated thingy, probably with different definitions from different people.

And there is the word "race" in "racism", so... you can't just define any group you want.

But the above definitions with the two requirements will remove your doubt about a lot of "racist" phrases you ever heard.


  • Asians are good in math
  • I hate all black people I ever met
  • I hate all black people
  • Black people are criminals
  • White people are superior to other races
  • Negro
  • Nigger
  • Blacklist
  • Negroes are stupid

Asians are good in math

Before you start thinking, just use the two rules.
Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? No

So, no racism, no need to think about it.

I saw people somehow construct this to be racism by using a lot of words and talking in circles, but.. you know, it does not work that way. Being good at math is not a bad thing, it is a good thing. So, no, whoever had the idea this might be racism is an idiot.

I hate all black people I ever met

Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? No

I think there might be one or two who are sure this is racism. But nope, it is not. First, it says nothing about the group, it only says something about the person who talks about the group. He hates a certain group of people who all happen to be black.

He does not even hate all black people, just the once he met. So, he is not even a racist.

So, neither is this phrase racist nor is the talker racist (because of the phrase).

I hate all black people

Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? No

Ok, again, it says nothing about the group, so I don't think it is a racist phrase.

The person who says it is racist, because he has negative feelings against a whole race. But that does not make the phrase racist.

Black people are criminals

Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? Yes

First time we have both needed matches. So we need to think. And... yes. We have a winner. This is of course racist.

White people are superior to other races

Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? Yes

Yes, this is racist too.


Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? No

Nope, not racist. There are people out there who are absolutely sure this is racist. This makes it clear that these people think Negroes are something negative.

So, we can come to the following conclusion:

Everyone who says "Negro" is a racist word, is a racist.

Btw, "Negro" is NOT the "n-word". No, it is not and it was never. Some people are so incredible stupid, they think "Negro" is the "n-word".


Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? It depends

Yes, this is the "n-word" you read about. Yes, this was to 100% an abusive word. No, this is to 100% an abusive word anymore.

For many people this is just a common word in common language. You can still use "nigger" as abusive word, but not every use of it is abusive. And only part of these abusive uses are racism.

Most simple example: A Negro calls his best friend a "nigger" and invites him to go drinking. Do you think it was intended as abuse and this is racism? If you think so....you are not very good with thinking.


Is it a group? No

Negroes are stupid

Is it a group? Yes
Is it something bad about the whole group? Yes

Of course this is racism.