Command & Conquer Generals

From Funiaita


  • If you don't want to use one of the resolutions you see in the options, then change everything in the options dialog to something you like, then exit the game.
  • Add to the launch options
    • Properties / General / Selected Launch Option
-xres 1920 -yres 1080

Of course you use the values you want.

w/a/s/d via Autohotkey for camera

  • Autohotkey
  • Current Autohotkey as of 2024-12-31
  • create a file called "C&C Generals wasdCameraButAction.ahk"
  • paste the code below into it
  • Double-click the file.
    • No error, good.
  • Start C&C Generals and in the menu press 't'.
    • If you hear a beep, then the script is active.
    • If you don't hear a beep, then the script is not active.
  • In-Game, just press alt-w, alt-a, alt-s or alt-d to move the camera.
; wasdCameraButAction, v1
; AutoHotkey script which allows to use w/a/s/d for the camera while still having hotkeys for (a)ttack move, (s)top and others
; 2024-12-31 by ZanyScum

#HotIf WinActive("Command & Conquer Generals")



If you are on ANY web page or in ANY document which has "Command & Conquer Generals" somewhere in it's title, like "wiki of Command & Conquer Generals", then the script will be active too. Just to keep this in mind.

If you use XP-SP2 compatibility mode

It has been suggested to run C&C Generals under Windows 10 with the XP-SP2 compatibility mode to avoid crashes. If you do that, you need to use the following script:

; wasdCameraButAction, v1.1
; AutoHotkey script which allows to use w/a/s/d for the camera while still having hotkeys for (a)ttack move, (s)top and others
; Added code to start with admin rights because otherwise the script does not work if C&C Generals runs in XP-SP2 compatibility mode
; 2024-12-31 by ZanyScum

full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str")

if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)"))
        if A_IsCompiled
            Run '*RunAs "' A_ScriptFullPath '" /restart'
            Run '*RunAs "' A_AhkPath '" /restart "' A_ScriptFullPath '"'

; MsgBox "A_IsAdmin: " A_IsAdmin "`nCommand line: " full_command_line

#HotIf WinActive("Command & Conquer Generals")

