Replacing an existing book
- Open the metadata
- drag&drop the new book onto the old book (target the right format)
Link to book (or other formats like a .zip) on desktop
- Select the book in the library
- Press 'o' (Open book folder)
- with the RIGHT mouse button, drag&drop the format you want to your desktop/folder and select "Create shortcut here"
Why would you want this? Because Calibre's epub-Reader can (per default) put new bookmarks inside the .epub. If you work with a link, the bookmarks are always directly in the library and you don't have to look for a wiki with a chapter like Replacing an existing book. That would be a lot of work. Right?
For example a .zip with code for the chapters of the book?
- Open the metadata
- drag&drop the non-book in the area where all the formats are shown
Updating a book from a website
- Install the plugin "FanFicFare"
For some websites it allows you to download the book via URL or update the book if you already have it in your library (it knows the URL, no need to keep it somewhere separately, it is visible in the Metadata).
Imagine you start Calibre, select the tag "in-progress" or "fanfic-upgradeable" and then select all the shown books and update them all at once and go get yourself a coffee while Calibre checks if there is an update and if there is one downloads it.