Marvel Games
From Funiaita
Marvel games are good and fun and then they vanish from the stores and can not be bought any longer.
Guesses are that it is because of the licensing which would be pretty stupid from Marvel's side, they should change their license model or add something for this situation. The games exist and could be sold and make money. Marvel, the developers AND the buyers would be happy, win:win:win. But they don't do it... why?
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (2006)
- Release: 2006
- Still buy-able (as of 2024-12-08): no
- Still playable (as of 2024-12-08): yes
- Steam Store: Ultimate Alliance
- Steam Discussions: Ultimate Alliance
- Wikipedia: Ultimate Alliance
Play with one hero
In the screen where you choose all 4 heroes, just add only one to the team and continue playing... What bellesaurus means is that at some point in every level, you have to use 2 heroes but there usually is a save point close to get a second character in ur team. -- Plake
Get to SAP point. the big blue shiny circles on the floor, and stand over it. Press X and you'll get a menu. If you have characters who are recently deceased, there will be a timer at the bottom of the menu. Once that timer is up you'll get an option there that reads: "Revive Team". Use that to bring them back. You'll need to wait 5 minutes before being able to revive anybody. You'll get a notice when the time has elapsed at the bottom of the screen. "X hero is Fully Rested". -- overcracker
They are green and called "Shields Access Points" for me. (On the ship where the story begins)
Keyboard + Mouse
Customizing is NOT supported. They prepared it, it seemed, but never implemented or activated it.
For PC:
- Game / Click to move: Off => mouse clicks are attacks
- '1' = 'mouse click left'
- '2' = 'mouse click right'
- '3' = 'space' = jump
- '4' = 'e' = action
digit for QTE, mouse/letter for gameplay
Mapped actions:
- Ctrl+1/2/3/4 (map your extra mouse buttons or alt+1/2/3/4 or something else, perhaps with AutoHotkey.
; UseAltForAssigns v1 ; AutoHotkey script which allows to use alt+1 instead of ctrl+1 for the cool actions you can assign ; same for ctrl+2-4 ; 2024-12-08 by ZanyScum #HotIf WinActive("Marvel: Ultimate Alliance") ~!1::pressCtrlWithParameter(1) ~!2::pressCtrlWithParameter(2) ~!3::pressCtrlWithParameter(3) ~!4::pressCtrlWithParameter(4) pressCtrlWithParameter(n) { Send "{LControl down}" Sleep 10 SendEvent n Sleep 10 Send "{LControl up}" return } #HotIf
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009)
- Release: 2009
- Still buy-able (as of 2024-12-08): no
- Still playable (as of 2024-12-08): yes
- Info: practically unplayable with KB+Mouse
- Steam Store: Ultimate Alliance 2
- Wikipedia: Ultimate Alliance 2
Marvel Heroes Omega (2013)
- Release: 2013
- Still buy-able (as of 2024-12-08): no
- Still playable (as of 2024-12-08): noooo, but there is a private server
- Steam Discussions: Marvel Heroes Omega
- Steam Screenshots: Marvel Heroes Omega
- Wikipedia: Marvel Heroes Omega
Marvel's Avengers (2020)
- Release: 2020
- Still buy-able (as of 2024-12-08): no
- Still playable (as of 2024-12-08): HELL YES!!!
- Steam Store: Marvel's Avengers
- Wikipedia: Marvel's Avengers
Marvel Rivals (2024)
- Release: 2024
- Info: F2P
- Still buy-able (as of 2024-12-08): yes
- Still playable (as of 2024-12-08): yes
- Steam Store: Marvel Rivals
- Wikipedia: Marvel Rivals